It's FAFSA Time! For those of you just getting back into this, the FAFSA opening day has changed from January 1st of a high school student's senior year to TODAY, October 1st of that same high school student's senior year. That's 3 months earlier than in years past (and actually 6 months earlier than how families 20 years ago filled out the FAFSA).

The reason for this is so that new soon-to-be college students who are applying in the fall can almost immediately compare their options, especially if the final decision comes down to finances. Check our graphic at the bottom of this post so you can visualize how, in order to receive an official financial aid award, a student needs to have both an accepted college application as well as a processed FAFSA.
Do-Gooder Consulting is here to help organizations plan, advertise, or even run a FAFSA completion session. Please contact us by phone at 872-222-8008 or by email at FAFSA(at) or call us at 872-222-8008 .
We look forward to serving you in the near future.
One final note: please encourage your current college students to renew their FAFSA as soon as possible. It's easy to forget, but with the renewal using the same information they just inputted 6 months ago, it's also easy to fill out, and could provide more money than last well. Simply text and/or e-mail them this secure website address =
In fact, we'd suggest contacting the following people to fill out the FAFSA as soon as pssible after October 1 (as it costs no money to fill out the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid):
1) Returning college students (see above)
2) High school seniors (as mentioned above)
3) Adults simply thinking about returning to college. Filling out the FAFSA does not obligate someone to go to college, but is one vital step in getting an official financial aid package.
We look forward to serving you in the near future.
One final note: please encourage your current college students to renew their FAFSA as soon as possible. It's easy to forget, but with the renewal using the same information they just inputted 6 months ago, it's also easy to fill out, and could provide more money than last well. Simply text and/or e-mail them this secure website address =
In fact, we'd suggest contacting the following people to fill out the FAFSA as soon as pssible after October 1 (as it costs no money to fill out the FREE Application for Federal Student Aid):
1) Returning college students (see above)
2) High school seniors (as mentioned above)
3) Adults simply thinking about returning to college. Filling out the FAFSA does not obligate someone to go to college, but is one vital step in getting an official financial aid package.